I Want an Ice Cream What's the Magic Word
Asdfmovie11 is the eleventh installment to the asdfmovie series. It was uploaded to YouTube on August 10, 2018.
Voice actors
- Jaiden Kiyomi Dittfach
- Alex Bertie
- Thomas Ridgewell
- Chloe 'ScarfDemon' Dungate
- Elliot 'ElliotExplicit' Gough
- Matt Ley
- Adam Ortiz
- Rebecca Parham
- Sammy Paul
- Robert James Rallison (As Doctor... Of Psychology)

Girl: I want an Ice Cream!
Man: What's the magic word?
Girl: *turns into a demon*
Needicus Ice Creamicus Girl: Sucimaerc Eci Sucideen!
(Man turns into an Ice Cream cone as Girl takes it and licks it)
(the title theme plays)
Man: Hey Man, the 80s Called, they want YOU DEAD. *starts shooting Man 2*
Man: I'M FEELING CAR SICK! *vomits a car with the license plate 1CH PWN, killing the man next to him)
Woman: Aw... Babies grow up so fast.
Pregnant Woman: THEY DO!!!??? *explodes*
Kid: Hello! I have been Born!
Judge: I sentence you to... JAZZ!
Woman: NOOOOOO- *judge places trumpet in her mouth*
Man: Hey, pull my finger!
(Man 2 grabs Man's finger and it extends)
Man: *crying*
Man 2: Aw, come on. Boys don't cry!
(Mans breasts pop out)
(camera zooms out to reveal a giant letter 'B' then a massive bumblebee flies in and eats Man)
Doctor: I'm afraid you have one year to live.
Man: OH YEAH? *shoots himself*
Man: Hey, your girlfriend. (deep voice) she single?
Cop: Sir, is this your car?
Man: Nope, It's yours!
(The Driver turns out to be in the Police Car and drives away)
Announcer speaker box: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
(a hand pushes the button and the person moans)
Man: BOO! (chuckles) Made you jump!
(It is revealed that Man scared Man 2 into jumping off of a building)
Jerry: Hey, baby. You looking fine.
Baby: Hey, thanks, Jerry, you too.
Man: I am going to open this door!
(Man opens the door, in which butt appears and farts very loudly and rips off his skin, then his flesh, and his skull's mouth opens)
Magician: What's that behind your ear? (reaches behind the girl's ear and gasps) It's a hearing aid!
Girl (echoing): What?
Woman: I... I love you, but...
(butt farts loudly and kills her)
(Man has a knife in his chest)
Doctor: Don't worry! I'm a doctor... of psychology! *writes on a pad* So how does that make you feel?
Narrator: And now... the award for best sarcasm goes to... this guy.
Man: (cameras clicking) Oh wow. Thank you SOOO much.
Mom: Happy 10th Birthday!
Kid: But... BUT! BUT!!! *holds up a book called 'Stabby Princess III'* This isn't what I wanted!
(Butt appears in the form of Mom's head and farts loudly in the exact same way as it's prior two victims)
- TomSka has related part of his desire to make this installment is to make up for what he believes are Asdfmovie10's low-quality jokes, which he feels are not up to the series' standards: most of the jokes from asdfmovie8 and on have used more wordplay than the non-sequitur humor he normally employs.
- However, the coincidental quality pattern in which even is better than odd is what he worries about.
- The same car in Asdfmovie10 that hit Suzie is vomited by the man who feels carsick.
- The girl in the ice cream skit that transformed into a demon said "Needicus Ice Creamicus!" in reverse.
- This was made for the 10 year anniversary of the first asdfmovie.
Internal Links
- Entry on the TomSka Wiki
I Want an Ice Cream What's the Magic Word
Source: https://asdfmovie.fandom.com/wiki/Asdfmovie11