how much does a freelance graphic designer make an hour
Graphic Designers on Upwork cost
Learn about common cost factors to budget your hiring on the world's work marketplace.
$15 $35
Median hourly rates (USD)*
How much does it cost to hire a graphic designer?
Rates charged by graphic designers on Upwork vary from $15 to $150 an hour, with an average rate of around $25 per hour. However, designers don't always bill hourly; it's also common for a designer or creative director to set a fixed price for the work, based on their understanding of your project requirements. Here's a look at some of the more significant considerations.
Cost Factor #1: Expertise and experience
When it comes to setting individual rates, a seasoned designer or art director can typically work faster while delivering more value to their clients with deeper insights into their work; their pricing often scales up to match. Location and local market conditions can also influence rates. Another factor is reputation. Someone who's still building their portfolio may price services more competitively.
Cost Factor #2: Scope of work
Whether you want an illustration to go with your next blog post or packaging for your newest product, the production process may include:
- Consultation
- Research into your industry, marketplace, and audience
- Brainstorming ideas
- Creating concepts
- Identifying the right typeface, color palette, and other materials
- Generating various concepts
- Review and approval process
- Producing the final deliverable
Cost Factor #3: Timeline
If your project has a tight timeline, you may pay a premium (i.e. a rush fee) so be sure to start work as early as possible. There are three simple ways to cut down on the time involved in your project:
- Be specific about what you want in the creative brief, then give the designer freedom to create. Being too vague about what you have in mind can add time through multiple revisions.
- Prepare any related materials ahead of time. If you want to include copy, have it written and edited to a length that's appropriate for the product you want—and make sure it's finalized before work begins, or the time involved can balloon as the design shifts to accommodate changing copy. If you're including photos or other images, check to ensure they have a high resolution.
- Keep the review and approval process as simple as possible. Having more people involved typically means a longer timeline and additional revisions, and a designer may factor that into their pricing.
Here are some general time estimates for popular projects, including variables that may have an impact on how long it will take—and ultimately, how much you pay for the work.
Flyer | One hour to 10+ hours |
Logo | Five hours to 20+ hours, possibly over several weeks |
Infographic | Four hours to 20+ hours |
Real completed jobs from Graphic Designers
based on 100K+ client reviews
Need Graphic Designer for Amazon EBC Page Development, Promotional Banners, Technical Images
Need Graphic Designer for Amazon EBC Page Development, Promotional Banners, Technical Images
$25/hr talent rate
$1K+ total spend
5.0/5 job rating
Completed by
Iren F.
Hungary, Budapest
Hungary, Budapest
Basic Graphic Design Work Needed for Mobile App Marketing
Basic Graphic Design Work Needed for Mobile App Marketing
$10.5/hr talent rate
$897.75 total spend
5.0/5 job rating
Completed by
Shaheryar Q.
Pakistan, Islamabad
Pakistan, Islamabad
Family Photos Editing Needed - removing a person from photos
Family Photos Editing Needed - removing a person from photos
$50/hr talent rate
$150 total spend
5.0/5 job rating
Completed by
Christopher M.
United States, Tampa
United States, Tampa
Need concept drawings done for an engineering meeting.
Need concept drawings done for an engineering meeting.
$40/hr talent rate
$150 total spend
5.0/5 job rating
Completed by
Vimal S.
India, Mohali
India, Mohali
T-shirt Designer Wanted / Hip Hop Themed Designs
T-shirt Designer Wanted / Hip Hop Themed Designs
$18/hr talent rate
$138 total spend
4.6/5 job rating
Completed by
Carlos A.
United States, Homestead
United States, Homestead
Retouching color for box design
Retouching color for box design
$30/hr talent rate
$100 total spend
4.7/5 job rating
Completed by
Astghik S.
Germany, Munich
Germany, Munich
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*This data represents typical hourly rate ranges of certain historical contracts worldwide. What clients will pay is subject to negotiations with talent.
how much does a freelance graphic designer make an hour