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Hospital Management System Problems and Solutions

The hospital and care sector contributes remarkably to fulfill one of the basic needs of human beings. This sector is improving a lot nowadays. The hospital management system (HMS) helps the care setting conduct its operation and daily activities smoothly.

Thus, the health care sector owners can regulate essential tasks effectively, and service users can get satisfactory care services.

What is a Hospital Management System (HMS)?

An advanced hospital management software that assists healthcare services in managing all administrative activities, including maintaining a workforce, handling patients, dealing with financial and accounting processes, and recording all important data and other essential operations, is known as the Hospital Management System (HMS).

Clinical management systems also help in the decision-making process of the care setting. Besides, the hospital information system plays an inevitable role in analyzing the relevant data of the hospital. So you can easily evaluate the revenue cycle of your clinic.

Departments of Hospital

The medical setting has several functional departments that conduct different mandatory operations. Different departments can be categorized into two, like inpatient wards and outpatient wards.

Inpatient Department

Intensive Care Unit

The specially trained and skilled professionals maintain the ICU department. Here, the patients who are in critical condition and need life support are admitted to this department. Pediatric, cardiovascular and neonatal ICU are three divisions of intensive care units.

Emergency Department

The patients who require immediate medical action are admitted to the emergency department. It includes different units like surgery, burns, trauma, etc.

Neurology, Oncology & OB Department

The patients with cancer, neurological issues, pregnancy, etc., get care support from these specialized departments.

Cardiology Department

This department of a hospital has to be aware of the service. The patients with heart problems take service from the cardiology department. The patients need to be continuously monitored as the blood circulation issues can cause death.

Outpatient Department

Medical Record

The documentation process of a hospital is regulated in this department. Recording every individual of the care setting service users or service providers data is the medical record department's vital task.


In this department, some diagnostic procedures are regulated, including X-rays, MRI, CT-scans, etc. Depending on the test results, the patients are treated. So it is a vital department of a hospital.


The pharmacy department provides prescribed medicines to the hospital. Skilled and licensed pharmacists maintain this department.


Different types of tests are conducted in the laboratory, including stool exam, urine exam, biopsy, blood tests, etc. Pathological tests are done to identify the disease etiology.

Why is the Hospital Management System (HMS) Necessary?

The hospital has to maintain several departments and their operations properly. Every department is essential. If any of the departments do not conduct their activities, other departments are affected negatively.

Hospital management software is a must in the present era. A massive staff is required in the hospital to serve the patients properly.

Hospital billing software is required in the care setting to-

  • Maintain the workforce of the care
  • Control every department functions effectively
  • Handle the patients' problems
  • Manage the appointment of the patients
  • Maintain the patient's record
  • Regulate the accounts and financial section
  • Provide adequate support 24/7

Benefits of Hospital Management System

Benefits of Hospital Management System

The care services get benefited by adopting the hospital management system. The effect of hospital information software is significant to the care service sector.

The hospital management software eases the way of operating different departmental functions.

Improvement of Efficiency

The hospital billing software will help you improve the efficiency of your hospital. The automation service plays an essential role in increasing the efficiency of the hospital sector.

Time and Cost-Efficient

The automation system helps the care setting to complete any task properly within time. Besides, the additional costs are reduced.

Developed Management System

The visibility of management increases by adopting the hospital management system website. So the management system of the care sector develops.

Proper Financial and Operational Activities

Hospital Management Software helps to control financial and tax planning. The billing software controls the profits, losses, expenses, and taxes.

Error-free Documentation Process

The recording of the patients' and staff's information is an essential task of a care setting. If you want error-free documentation, hospital management software is a must.

Satisfactory Experience of Customers

The hospital management system helps you to maintain a good customer relationship. The patients get proper services, and the procedure of payment is easy in this process. Without facing any difficulties, doctors can provide care services to service users.

Data Security

The patients' data and confidential information can be stored efficiently, provided that the hospital management software is adopted. Besides, important information can be kept securely in the hospital information management system.

Effective Monitoring Process

Hospital management software can evaluate the performance of every department. Besides, the monitoring process can be done. The effective monitoring process helps to improve the efficiency of the care services.

Staff Engagement

The hospital management system helps to increase interaction among the workforce. The employees of the hospital can cooperate just in one click. In this regard, transparency also enhances. The specialist also maintains a sound communication system with the care staff.

However, the hospital management software provides several advantages to the health care sector. The patients, doctors, and staff of the care sector all get benefitted from the hospital billing software.

Learn more:Advantage of Hospital Management System Software

Features of Hospital Management System (HMS)

Features of Hospital Management System (HMS)

The hospital management system website helps the care settings to conduct all administrative works effectively. The hospital information management software always focuses on the expectation of the care sector. So, according to the requirements of the hospital, the hospital billing software is developed. The key features of the best hospital management system are provided below-

Note: you can check thisHospital Management Software

#1 OPD and IPD Management System

The OPD and the IDP are the vital departments of a care setting. The hospital management system helps you to maintain the OPD and IPD department effectively. It includes the registration of new patients, history, complaints, diagnosis, next visit, etc.

#2 Appointment Management System

The patients of your hospital can get appointments easily provided that the hospital information system is adopted. It helps the care organization to allocate the specialists for the specific patients systematically.

#3 Patient Management System

The patient of a care organization is the service user. The effective management of the patients can assure the success of your care setting. It includes monitoring the patients' condition, treatment, history of the patients, and reports.

#4 Doctor Management System

The doctors of a hospital are the key professionals who serve the patients. The hospital management software helps the doctors to organize their functions and schedules. So they can serve the patients of the care properly.

#5 Financial Management System

The payment details, hospital financial records, costs, profits, etc., are the financial management system's vital task. The hospital billing software helps to control the accounts section efficiently.

#6 OT Management System

The hospital information system provides you with an operation theatre management system by which you can control this department's overall activities. Besides, you can get notified of the activities of OT from time to time.

#7 Prescription Management System

Prescription for the patients is an important document. The hospital management system helps you to manage the prescription properly. SMS prescription is an advanced system in the care sector.

#8 Pathology Management System

The pathology or laboratory is a vital department of a care setting. Lab management software assists in recording test reports, lab data analysis, etc. In addition to this, it also includes credit settlement, custom reports, MIS reports, etc.

#9 Pharmacy Management System

The pharmacy management system includes pharmacy stock reports, stock management, integration of prescription, etc. The pharmacist can regulate the operation properly by adopting the hospital information system.

#10 Human Resource Management System

Workforce management is an essential task. The human resource administration can handle the hospital staff more conveniently provided that they adopt the hospital billing software. Besides, it includes the recruitment documentation process.

#11 Inventory Management System

The inventory management system is an important feature of hospital information software. The stock management helps to identify the current stock situation.

#12 Multiple Email and SMS Gateway System

The hospital management system helps to communicate with the patients and the staff of the care setting. It provides an email and SMS gateway system.

#13 Insurance Management System

The insurance details of the patients can be recorded in the hospital management system. It is also a significant feature. It includes company insurance, policy no. and other information.

#14 App Integration System

The hospital management system provides you to integrate the android app. It makes the controlling system more convenient.

#15 Accommodation Management System

The hospital management system can trace the availability of the room or cabin. Besides, it manages the occupancy status, and the hospital information system maintains different documentation processes.

#16 Role Permission Set up System

The healthcare management system provides you an admin panel by which you can control the entire operation of your care setting. It also has a role permission setup system, which provides an access permission system. In this case, one can only perform one's given sector.

#17 Multi-Language and Multi-Currency System

The hospital information system provides you with multiple language support systems. Besides, you can use multiple currency systems while adopting the clinical management system.

#18 Case Manager Management System

Case management is a vital task in a care setting. First, the patient's condition is appropriately evaluated. After discussing the problem of the patient, the treatment is provided. In this case, hospital information software plays an essential role. The hospital information system helps the professionals to make a decision rapidly.

#19 Real-Time Report System

The hospital management software stores all essential data of the care organization. So whenever the information is required, the software provides the data in a comprehensive format.

#20 Customer Support System

The service users face several issues while taking the services from the care organization. The hospital management system helps to provide customer support 24/7.

However, the hospital information system plays an essential role. Without regulating every operation, the care sector will not be able to provide the required services.

Types of Hospital Management Software

Healthcare sectors are improving a lot by the adoption of different management software. There are different types of software that are provided below-

Billing Software

Billing software manages accounts and financial sections of a care setting. Besides, it also helps to manage insurance claims.

Electronic Health Care System

EHR plays an essential role in recording medical data and information. It assures your data protection and safety. It can be integrated with the hospital management system.

Hospital Management Software

Hospital management software is a complete solution for a healthcare organization. It helps to maintain all essential operations within a care setting. It can control several sectors of healthcare.

enlightenedCheck out: Top Hospital Management Software

Practice Management Software

PMS includes appointment management, electronic health records, billing, etc. Generally, practice management software assists in maintaining a clinic. It is also known as the clinic management software.

Lab Information Management System

Every healthcare has a pathology center where the tests and research of different diseases are regulated. The lab information management software manages the equipment availability, sample collection, recording relevant data, etc.

Essential Modules and Functions

Modules and Functions of HMS

The modules of a hospital management system make the software more convenient for the users. A hospital management software must have the below modules.

Feasible Dashboard

A dynamic dashboard helps you to get notified about the overall activities of your care setting. The weekly report, monthly or yearly information, assists you to evaluate your present situation.

Administrative Panel

The admin panel must be well developed. You can set the job roles of pharmacists, doctors, nurses, researchers, case managers, etc., by using the administrative panel. A superpower administration panel helps you to protect your data privacy.

Module for Doctors

Doctors can easily handle different essential functions by using the doctor module. It includes scheduling appointments, patient portals, prescription making, and maintaining other activities.

Accountants Module

The calculation of profit and loss of care setting is completed in the accountant's module. Besides, it also helps to control the monetary flow of the hospital. Moreover, it has an access account creation system.

Laboratory Management System

The laboratorist module helps you to manage different operations within the lab. You can divide the lab work into various sub-sections like pathology center, X-ray department, etc.

Module for Pharmacists

The pharmacist module helps to maintain different activities of a pharmacy in a hospital. It includes stock of medicine, buys and sells, financial statements, etc.

Patient Portal

The patient portal module helps the hospital to collect the patients' information appropriately. Besides, this module plays an inevitable role to create a customer persona. It is one of the essential modules for a hospital management system.

Modules for Receptionists & Representatives

The hospital management software must include the receptionist module by which the hospital can manage the appointments and accommodation booking system. Besides, the representative module helps to manage marketing activities.

However, the essential modules and their functions are discussed in the above part. Without those essential modules, the hospital management system will not be a perfect care service solution.

Note: Check thehospital management software that contains every module.

The Workflow of a Hospital Management System (HMS)

The Workflow of a Hospital Management System (HMS)

Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements of Hospital Management System

The hospital management system assures of conducting several activities in a care setting. It is important to consider some functional and non-functional requirements of the hospital information systems in this regard.

Functional Requirements

The functional requirements include a registration process, report generation, check out system, and database.

Registration Process of SRS

Registration process includes

  • Adding patients
  • Providing an Identification number to the patients

Report Development of SRS

The report generation process includes

  • Patient information
  • Bed availability

Database of SRS

The patients' necessary information includes first name and last name, personal contact no, postal code, address, patient identification number, etc.

  • Basic information of patients
  • Patients information update

Check Out of SRS

Check out process includes-

  • Releasing the patient
  • Deleting the patient ID
  • Update the list of beds

Non Functional Requirements

The nonfunctional requirements of a hospital management system include performance, security, reliability, and maintenance ability.


In the Nonfunctional requirements of a hospital management system, security is one of the most important. It includes

  • The ID no. of patient
  • Specific login ID
  • The right of the administrator
  • The access to receptionists


The hospital management system must have the maintenance ability like

  • Identification of Error
  • Data backup


The performance of hospital management software includes

  • The capacity of the software
  • Responding time
  • Convenience
  • User interface


The hospital information system should have the availability and 24/7 support system.

However, the hospital management system needs to contain these features to fulfill functional and non-functional requirements.

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Costing for Hospital Management Software

The cost of hospital management software is variable. It depends on the size of the practice. Besides, the number of users affects the price of adopting hospital information management systems.

You have to consider some crucial factors while estimating the cost.

While adopting cloud-based software, continuous software up-gradation is a factor.

On the other hand, you have to pay monthly. Most of the time, for startup businesses, it is free.

Moreover, you have to buy a license provided that you purchase the software.

The cost estimation of hospital billing software is difficult. Although you can purchase software through one-time payment, you will need to buy hardware equipment, including computers or laptops, servers, scanners, printers, etc.

You must consider the implementation cost. It includes installation, IT contractor, workflow, etc.

In addition to this, the training cost is a must as the hospital management software users should be acknowledged with the system.

Suppose you purchase hospital management based on your budget and the requirements. Now you have to consider the facilities that you need. In this case, you can integrate an android app.

The android app or IOS app integration makes your management system more convenient. You have to spend a little more on integrating.

Hospital Marketing

You need a built-in SMS, Email marketing & internal messaging system for your Hospital to inform any notice to doctors, patients, or staff.

For a built-in marketing system, you can check Hospital or Hospital Automanager (Including Website & Addons, App)

Before the market, your Hospital you need to analyze a few steps cause an effective marketing plan can assure success. In this case, you have to follow a systematic way of promoting your healthcare. Remember these few points

  • First, you have to follow Marketing Strategies and effective techniques. Workable marketing strategies are the guideline for your marketing operation.
  • You must haveproper knowledge of the Care Products and Services. You have to make your customers understand your service facilities and the features of your products.
  • Do aSWOT Analysis, which helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • SetSMART Objectives. According to the objectives, you have to take your next step.
  • At last, conductGap Analysis. It will help you to review your plan. Gap analysis identifies your lacking of a plan. So you can easily overcome your difficulties by fixing the gap.

If you follow the mentioned marketing plan step by step, you can achieve your desired objectives and goals.


Nowadays, the adoption of hospital billing software is increasing considerably. Because the care service providers get benefited from using the hospital management system website, and app. In the care sector, the staff, nurses, and doctors must be managed efficiently. Otherwise, service users cannot get the desired services.

Check out: Top Pharmacy Software

Hospital Management System Problems and Solutions
